About Me

I used to be a UNIX systems admin, but got tired of the corporate games. Now I work for myself. I'm still good with the computers, though (grin).

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Florida based US prosecutor arrested.

This guy, John David Roy Atchison, an assistant US attorney, allegedly flew 2000 miles with a rape kit to have sex with a five year old girl. A sting operation allegedly enticed him.

Some people commenting on the news stories are screaming entrapment, that there wasn't even a real little girl, or that he could have changed his mind before the actual rape.

Let me see if I understand this - he packed a rape kit, boarded an airplane, and flew 2000 miles just to change his mind?

Isn't it a crime to travel interstate for the purpose of committing a felony?

Isn't conspiring to commit a crime also a crime?

If there was no conspiracy, why did he get on the airplane? ESP?

Next, isn't someone with enough education to be a US Attorney smart enough to know better than to commit federal crimes accidentally?

The news reports contained excerpts of the chat room conversations where he said he had done this before, in order to assure the phony mother that "no harm" would come to the child. The actual quotes:

"I'm always gentle and loving; not to worry; no damage ever; no rough stuff ever ever,"

"I've done it plenty,"

This guy was active in many child oriented activities. He has children of his own. And, as usual, those who know him say stupid things about how they thought he was an upstanding citizen, and they can't believe it's true. One even said that there must be an explanation for Atchison's actions, but he wasn't sure what it might be. How about this one: "Atchison is a pedophile"? It fits the facts.

His family will suffer greatly. I wonder how many innocent children he has already abused, if any, and I bet I'm not the only one wondering. Surely his wife has horrifying thoughts about her children and her husband. Poor woman. I can understand it, because I have felt the pain of having a pedophile father, who never molested his own children, just other people's. His brothers were my abusers. I suppose they left their own children alone, too. I suppose, too, that I might be somewhat biased about this subject.

Some comments were aimed at the likelihood of Atchison becoming Bubba's girlyboy in prison. Sorry, won't happen. Because of his status as a prosecutor, he will never be put in general population. Heck, he just might get off with a slap on the wrist.

After all, he's just another in a long, long list of people with power who chose to do something against the law, knowing that their position would protect them from what the rest of us would suffer had we done the same thing. Perhaps we should start agitating for NO SEGREGATION for police and other government officials who are convicted. It would be more incentive for them to act within the law, don't you think? I mean, if it's cruel and unusual for them to be exposed to "real" criminals, what about you and me?

Are you ready to concede that there are double standards for the haves and the have-nots? Why would you support this? The only possible reason for someone to do so would be because they are a have, and are confident that the system will protect them in their indiscretions.

I'm running out of ways to express my contempt for those who abuse children, power and authority. And for those who are too apathetic or stupid to stand up and demand justice for all.

But, I shall struggle on, wearied and worn, trying to get across the point that we are all responsible morally for the actions of those that exercise power, when the exercise of that power is unreasonably harmful to one or many. It is our duty to correct these errors and to punish those who abuse our trust. It is the right thing to do.


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