Ok, I've thought a little more about it and I want to state unequivocally that my desires are for private enterprise to come up with approaches and solutions to our problems, one of which is the never ending struggle by our government and institutionalized religion to take and hold power over us.
Many people moan about pork barrel projects funded by tax dollars, but this is only the face of the beast. The problem is in the assumption that Uncle $am has ANY right to spend money on anything other than protecting the rights of individuals, the citizens from whom the power is derived. All other uses of tax money constitute nothing but the exercise of the power that has been stolen from those individuals. Sooner or later it will no longer be just an exercise.
When you have entrenched propaganda machines like public schools teaching young people that government knows best, it is very hard to make them understand the real principles of self-reliance and freedom from coercion. It's easier to let the government make decisions, even though the government demonstrably does nothing well.
If you stop to think you will realize that the wars on drugs, terrorism, poverty, discrimination and ad nauseum all have one thing in common - some group has to give up some rights in order for some perceived injustice to be corrected by our benevolent, protective, well meaning but power hungry government. This will only stop when all have given up all rights.
If you don't like people using drugs recreationally, don't associate with those people. If you don't know who they are, in other words, if you cannot tell who is or is not using, why do you care? If it is so bad that they hurt others, then their violations of other people's rights will give society the right to deal with it in the legal system, which exists to preserve individual rights and to punish those who violate them. Some worthless movie stars snorting cocaine are likely only dangerous to themselves. Let them self destruct. This will improve society.
The same goes for poverty, if you don't like it, create a job for someone that doesn't have one. Or teach people how to improve themselves. Otherwise, shut up. I don't care that you feel their pain.
For terrorism, simply stop interfering with the freedom of people to choose their own way of life. If they choose to live in slavery under despots, that is their business. If they choose to change, it is their responsibility to effect that change. You cannot force freedom on anyone. They have to want it.
Perceived discrimination is the biggest joke of all time. Do you spend all of your time worrying about what other people think about you and how they treat you? Perhaps you need a change of attitude in order to change what they think, instead of telling them that they must accept you because, or in spite of your color, religion, orientation or whatever. There are ALWAYS going to be people who don't like you. Get over it. The best revenge is living well. Put your efforts to that instead of trying to make everyone see what a wonderful person you are. We really don't think about you at all.
Do this so that the government doesn't have the reason to continue to erode our freedom.
A great way to live well is to open your mind and look for the facts. Quit the wishful thinking and figure out what is real and factual, then act on it. If you choose to believe something on faith, that's OK, just be prepared to accept that others are not going to accept your word on it. They will want facts, and faith isn't based on facts. Don't try to argue ethical arguments based on faith. Ethics can only be based in reality, the reality is that the sum total of improvements made by individuals in self interest, is the state of society. When individuals do not improve themselves, society is doomed. Religion is never an improvement on the state of society, only a way for those professing humility to exercise power over those who choose to believe their brand of mysticism. To put it another way, religion has always been used to present people with a moral dilemma, to act according to their nature and be damned, or to act against their nature and be "saved." It is the nature of man to be human, but religion would have you believe that this is evil, and that their particular code of behavior is the only way to be acceptable to your fellow man and to God. I say that God didn't make every animal except man to act according to its nature, leaving man in an impossible situation. It is very powerful to tell a child that a certain behavior will result in their everlasting damnation. It is a great evil to tell them that pleasure or rational self interest will do so. Yet religion often does.
No matter your place in the grand scheme of things, your characteristics, or personality, you can be a force for positive change. All you have to do is quit whining, stop the self destructive worrying about what others think, and start living your own life and taking responsibility for your own happiness. Don't try to please me, or worry what I think. I'm not signing your paycheck, and I'm not condemning you. I just don't care. My life is full enough without all that.
I'm just doing my tiny bit to improve things for all of you. The least you can do is get out of the way.
Many people moan about pork barrel projects funded by tax dollars, but this is only the face of the beast. The problem is in the assumption that Uncle $am has ANY right to spend money on anything other than protecting the rights of individuals, the citizens from whom the power is derived. All other uses of tax money constitute nothing but the exercise of the power that has been stolen from those individuals. Sooner or later it will no longer be just an exercise.
When you have entrenched propaganda machines like public schools teaching young people that government knows best, it is very hard to make them understand the real principles of self-reliance and freedom from coercion. It's easier to let the government make decisions, even though the government demonstrably does nothing well.
If you stop to think you will realize that the wars on drugs, terrorism, poverty, discrimination and ad nauseum all have one thing in common - some group has to give up some rights in order for some perceived injustice to be corrected by our benevolent, protective, well meaning but power hungry government. This will only stop when all have given up all rights.
If you don't like people using drugs recreationally, don't associate with those people. If you don't know who they are, in other words, if you cannot tell who is or is not using, why do you care? If it is so bad that they hurt others, then their violations of other people's rights will give society the right to deal with it in the legal system, which exists to preserve individual rights and to punish those who violate them. Some worthless movie stars snorting cocaine are likely only dangerous to themselves. Let them self destruct. This will improve society.
The same goes for poverty, if you don't like it, create a job for someone that doesn't have one. Or teach people how to improve themselves. Otherwise, shut up. I don't care that you feel their pain.
For terrorism, simply stop interfering with the freedom of people to choose their own way of life. If they choose to live in slavery under despots, that is their business. If they choose to change, it is their responsibility to effect that change. You cannot force freedom on anyone. They have to want it.
Perceived discrimination is the biggest joke of all time. Do you spend all of your time worrying about what other people think about you and how they treat you? Perhaps you need a change of attitude in order to change what they think, instead of telling them that they must accept you because, or in spite of your color, religion, orientation or whatever. There are ALWAYS going to be people who don't like you. Get over it. The best revenge is living well. Put your efforts to that instead of trying to make everyone see what a wonderful person you are. We really don't think about you at all.
Do this so that the government doesn't have the reason to continue to erode our freedom.
A great way to live well is to open your mind and look for the facts. Quit the wishful thinking and figure out what is real and factual, then act on it. If you choose to believe something on faith, that's OK, just be prepared to accept that others are not going to accept your word on it. They will want facts, and faith isn't based on facts. Don't try to argue ethical arguments based on faith. Ethics can only be based in reality, the reality is that the sum total of improvements made by individuals in self interest, is the state of society. When individuals do not improve themselves, society is doomed. Religion is never an improvement on the state of society, only a way for those professing humility to exercise power over those who choose to believe their brand of mysticism. To put it another way, religion has always been used to present people with a moral dilemma, to act according to their nature and be damned, or to act against their nature and be "saved." It is the nature of man to be human, but religion would have you believe that this is evil, and that their particular code of behavior is the only way to be acceptable to your fellow man and to God. I say that God didn't make every animal except man to act according to its nature, leaving man in an impossible situation. It is very powerful to tell a child that a certain behavior will result in their everlasting damnation. It is a great evil to tell them that pleasure or rational self interest will do so. Yet religion often does.
No matter your place in the grand scheme of things, your characteristics, or personality, you can be a force for positive change. All you have to do is quit whining, stop the self destructive worrying about what others think, and start living your own life and taking responsibility for your own happiness. Don't try to please me, or worry what I think. I'm not signing your paycheck, and I'm not condemning you. I just don't care. My life is full enough without all that.
I'm just doing my tiny bit to improve things for all of you. The least you can do is get out of the way.
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