About Me

I used to be a UNIX systems admin, but got tired of the corporate games. Now I work for myself. I'm still good with the computers, though (grin).

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Federal Government's "War on Drugs"

Why is it that an adult citizen, presumably sane and rational, is not allowed by the government the right to make a determination about their own medications whether medicinal or recreational, when the government, in it's infinite wisdom, can dictate that a child must take ritalin, a strong hallucinogenic? This, even in spite of the parent's wishes to the contrary.

How is it that a government employee at any level, with any specialized knowledge whatsoever, or none, knows better than that child's loving parents what is right for that child? And, how is it that they can determine a medical condition based on nothing but behavior?

The government has an abysmal record in dealing with drugs of all types. Consider "Reefer Madness" - a government sponsored propaganda piece that has been completely debunked. Ask any pharmaceutical company executive about the insane FDA approval process. How long did it take to get the "morning after" pill approved after it was in common use in Europe? Look at Prohibition and the resulting crime. The jails are full of non-violent drug users, while billions of untaxed dollars flow to South America, the Orient and the Middle East and certainly some if not most of that money supports people who are dedicated to killing Americans. The drug lords get rich while we destroy an entire class of citizens. This is sheer madness.

Or is it? Perhaps those in power DO understand what they are doing. The greater the citizens' freedoms, the less power for the government.

Think of all the policemen, attorneys, judges, doctors, prison guards and support personnel that would be out of a job if the "war on drugs" came to an end.

And think of all the children that would be free of ritalin if the government were held to the same standards as the rest of us.

With the recent attention given to heinous crimes being committed by policemen, I think I would rather live next door to a pothead than a cop.

Something has to give. We can't afford this any longer. The economic toll is horrendous and the human toll staggeringly inhumane.

Oh, never mind. It's time for my shots.

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