About Me

I used to be a UNIX systems admin, but got tired of the corporate games. Now I work for myself. I'm still good with the computers, though (grin).

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Well, I have been quiet on the presidential race until now. I don't have much to say except to state that I find Sarah Palin to be a breath of fresh air in a fetid political cesspool.

John McCain is, well, boring, passe even. Pass the salt, please, this man is bland.

Palin is Emeril's Essence for the Republican ticket. Dynamic and aggressive, she stands firmly on her beliefs and dares the lamescream media to give her a target to shoot.

I believe she has good aim. Time will tell, but I doubt that her appeal will be found wanting. I wish she was my mother. Or my wife. I admire her.

Is it possible to have her and McCain swap positions?

Wouldn't that put Hillary into spasms?

OK, enough politics. Jon Burge, Chicago's very own Torquemada, has been indicted on perjury charges. Couldn't have happened to a more apt target. Should not have taken so long, though. Too bad we couldn't have Daley indicted as a co-conspirator.

I'm not going to do a bad cop of the period this time. I don't have the time to sift through all the candidates. For a list, just do a Google search on police brutality, or look to the left of this blog for stories under my "what I am reading" area.

Unabashed plug section: Go read eric's stuff at blacktygrrrr:


He is worth the read!

Stay healthy by avoiding badges!


Monday, July 28, 2008

There have been a lot of cases of people dying after being tased repeatedly. The rationale for these tasings is "compliance." This is remarkable because the taser is intended to assure that a person have no voluntary movement for a short period of time. How can this be a "compliance" tool if the person being tased is rendered incapable of compliance? The really ironic thing is that the repetition of the tasing is based on the idea that it will force compliance.

First, you tie rocks to their feet, then you shoot them because they don't float. Absolutely bizarre. And irrational.

But the police know everything, and the rest of us are ignorant rubes, at least that is what they want you to believe.

Tasers are not compliance tools. They are torture devices, intended solely to render someone helpless. Once helpless, compliance is not a choice. Repeating their use on a subject simply makes no sense. Either it has the desired effect, or it doesn't. If not, the level of force used is inappropriate. It's that simple.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Poor guy:


He was serving a court ordered public service sentence, and got arrested for it. The cop "was sure" he smelled marijuana on the cookies. The guy winds up in jail. The cookies are tested for drugs and the results are negative. Charges are dropped.

Cops are absolutely out of control here. No one reported being sick from the cookies, and it was cops that ate them. Never mind that, let's arrest this guy based on our noses. The chief says that the procedures were followed. Whoever wrote these procedures is a moron. This insane rush to give cops every benefit of the doubt will come to no good. No way.

A cop administering a field drug test is just as competent at that as he is at rocket fuel science. He is not a chemist, and his opinion has the same worth in both fields. None.

To put it bluntly, LSD and marijuana share NO chemical similarities. They "smelled" pot and the field test "detected" LSD. Seems like any rational person would question every bit of "judgment" these officers exercised. At the very least, the chief ought to be wondering if these officers need some more training.

But it's all OK now. The charges are dropped and all the young man has to face is his probation officer for being arrested again. Never mind that the arrest was totally baseless. He will probably get life for breaking probation. That is how these badges and judges work.

Let us hope that his family has the means to pursue a civil case, if for nothing else, for the sheer stupidity of the cops.

This is so laughably preposterous as to reek of criminal cop stupidity. I am talking about the POLICIES that led to this silliness. This is our tax money at work.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More police insanity, this time it's corrected.


Fox News reports that a woman has been awarded $7 million for a false arrest after SAVING A COP's LIFE!

No wonder cops get no respect. I will, for damn sure, think twice about helping a cop in trouble. This lady spent 7 months in jail on a charge of stealing the cops weapon after pulling him from a crashed cruiser. This is her reward by other cops for saving his life?

I say it again: Cops have to step up and fix these problems that they created. I sure ain't gonna trust any of them until I see cops reporting and testifying about the corrupt officers.

Stop using tasers as compliance tools. They are meant to stop an attacker, not to force people in wheelchairs to comply with orders.

Use common sense. Stop shooting deaf people and people with cell phones because they didn't comply with conflicting orders. I have seen video where one cop was yelling freeze, the other was screaming to get down. How can you comply? Move and get shot, or don't move and get shot. Great choice. Both are lawful orders, but following either violates the other. And the cops can justify a shooting, because you didn't both freeze and move. Talk about earning the respect of the citizens!

And I am sick and damn tired of this cop mentality that we ordinary citizens can't POSSIBLY understand the job. Try us! We are not as stupid as you keep telling us we are. And it pisses me off bigtime for you to infer that there is some great mystery to the job. There isn't. There is just ego and power that needs to be hidden for fear that you will be exposed as the coward you really are. Man up. Admit it when you make a mistake. When is the last time a cop said, "We made a mistake and we are sorry"?

Just get real.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Politics and elections, bah, humbug!

LOL, Bush bashing and liberal lashing, it's all the same to me.

The "moral majority" component of the right scares the hell out of me, and the socialist loony left is worse.

The biggest problem facing the USA is the erosion of our personal rights under the Constitution. This has been a process that has been in full progress for more than 40 years under the aegis of both major political parties here. It started, though, with the dual edged sword of bad laws and their (intended!) results being used as a reason for even more bad laws, and the move away from the gold standard of money.

Many like to say that all the conflict in the Middle East is a result of oil. It is not. It is the result of 3 major religions with common roots. The conflict there has existed much longer than has any dependence on oil. Oil is merely a rationalization for the violence. It is a smokescreen for other, more sinister, agendas.

Much of the inner city violence in the USA is blamed on drugs. This is incorrect, it is a result of bad laws about drugs, and this is demonstrated by the lessons learned (or that should have been learned) from prohibition.

No, I do not defend Bush, he has had some real problems in leadership. I do not defend the crooks named Clinton either. The USA has not been wise in it's choice of leadership, and this is a direct result of the federalization of schools. We have raised 3 generations of educated puppets, unable or unwilling to understand that freedom and security are the same thing. An armed society is a polite society.

While I do not subscribe to any monstrous conspiracy theories, I will say that there are those who hold great power who are NOT in any government. These people control the money, or more precisely, the flow of value.

There is an old saying that to find the reason, follow the money. Interestingly, the research shows that there is a curious linkage between terrorism, oil, drugs, major religions and governments. Not just the USA government, nearly all of them.

In the USA we had the curious spectacle of the CIA importing drugs to fund (counter-) terrorism in South America while the DEA was trying to stop them. Insanity! The urban myth that drugs are the government's way of destroying minorities has some support in fact. Consider this an example of what goes on globally, mostly undetected and certainly never reported in the news.

If the USA really considered oil as the only issue in the middle east, there is no reason why we could not seize it. We have the power to do so, and as long as the rest of the world gets theirs, they would not care who sold it to them. They do not now. The reason we do not is simple, we still see ourselves as the good guys, no matter how clearly our democrat and republican leaders have demonstrated otherwise to the rest of the world. The ignorant masses still wield some power in the USA, but this is quickly being destroyed. The wars on poverty, drugs and terrorism have achieved their goals. The populace will soon be powerless against the police state and the military, Posse Comitatus be damned. When that populace is disarmed, the Middle East may well be doomed.

The UN has stated outright it's desire for a world government where the control of wealth is in the hands of those who did not create it, and those who did create wealth are curiously silent. Perhaps they know that their puppets are well controlled. How better to protect one's wealth than to control a world government?

This myopia on the part of the citizens of the USA (and the rest of the world) is the result of the desire of those who hold the real power to remain anonymous to most people. One must understand that not all of these powerful people are individually rich, they can be cartels and other types of organizations, even criminal conspiracies. Power obeys only natural law, not the laws of man. Crime does pay, if you can write the laws. (I mean that statement in every sense you can think of!)

This is a world of many conflicting egos, whose loyalties and alliances shift to the highest bidder at a moments notice, and the currency is human misery and despair.

So, please spare me the drama that is politics, for that is just the face of the beast. The real enemy is ignorance and laziness, laziness of mind and willful, blessed ignorance.

Pass me a beer and put on the Braves game. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talking to God

“You do know that the reason that there is pain in the world is because there must be a contrast to pleasure, don’t you?”

“Yes, Lord.”

“And the reason for illness is to give the healthy a reason to rejoice?”

“Yes, Lord.”

“Why do you think I made it so that there are people who corrupt my teachings?”

“I would guess that you did so in order for the pure of heart to see that there must be balance in all things, Lord. That man has free will enough to choose between your will and his own, but that even he who corrupts your teachings can seek your solace when he sees the error of his way.”

“Why do you think there are so many religions, and so much hatred between them?”

“Lord, you spoke of faith and redemption. And you said that you had arranged it so that man could see the path if he would only but look. Those who saw the path spoke of it to others and in imperfect language, so that the ideas were corrupted, and imperfect humans seized upon these imperfect ideas as the perfection of your will. Thus they led those with no vision on paths to destruction. They call these paths religions. Lord, I have a question.”

“Yes, my son?”

“Why did you create man in such a way that all this is necessary?”

“I wanted to invent curiosity.”

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another victim of the police.


Another good man shot down by police. This one was a corrections officer. And the uncle of an NFL player. It could have been your uncle or dad. Otis is right. Watch the video and think about your loved ones. No one is safe, not even a sworn officer.

How many more must die needlessly?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Fresh Water?

Would you like a drink of fresh water? OK, let's go get some. Hey! Wait a minute, where is it made?

Water isn't manufactured, at least not in any major quantity. It is recycled. The water in your Perrier may have once exited Julius Caeser's bladder, or at least a molecule of it may have.

The point is that chemistry does not create things, it merely rearranges atoms and molecules. Physics can and does create and destroy matter, but again, not in any really significant quantities.

Man has the ability to create matter, but almost all of his ability to create is limited to intangible ideas. Properly speaking, man rearranges matter, he does not create or destroy it to any significant extent.

Physics shows us that matter and energy are the same thing.

When I hear of carbon footprints, global warming and other pseudo-scientific nonsense, my first thought is always "Who made this glass of water?"

Man does not pollute the environment, he merely moves or rearranges the elements and molecules that already exist. Every bit of trash and garbage that we generate is a treasure trove of molecular soup that should be used as a source for the atoms and molecules that we need for making useful things.

Only when we learn that recycling is the way of nature will we begin to understand that "pollution" is self controlling. Our failure to control it will lead to our failure to exist. But Mother Nature will then rearrange the stuff that is left to her own ends. This is as it should be, and nothing man can do will change Mother Nature.

It is the height of arrogance for man to assume that he is capable of harming nature, for it is nature that has all the power. We should harness that power to our own benefit, instead of trying to wrest it away for our own. We couldn't control such power anyway.

The global warming scam that only 30 years ago was global cooling is the perfect example of man trying to steal the power of nature, and as all such efforts do, it will fail. Nature abhors not only a vacuum, but a vacuum of knowledge. The warming and cooling cycles of Earth have been around much longer than has man.

As a matter of fact, man's entire recorded history has been within a single cycle of climate change. Don't take my word for it, do the research! Or shut up. I am tired of your shrill ignorance and silly fads.

After all, some of you really believe that some guy named Gore invented the internet, too.

Friday, April 18, 2008

More Abuse of Authority, Sexually!


A sheriff faces 450+ years in jail for forcing female inmates to perform sexually.

This was the top LE person in that department. How in the Hell can you believe that that group of officers that he oversaw is NOT totally corrupt?

What will it take to get people to wake up and see the truth? Are we going to have to go all the way to fascism before the general public understands why the abuse of power is not the exception, but the rule. It is ingrained by the laws.

Oh, never mind.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More AoA (Abuse of Authority)


Here we go again. The Thugs in Blue have managed yet again to prove that they are only criminals with badges and guns. A quadriplegic man is dumped out of his wheelchair by a female deputy, while SUPERVISORS watch. No report is filed, and the stupidvisors take no action to correct this abuse of power.

These are your employees, you pay their salaries, and you are responsible when they break the law. You gave them the badges, the guns, and the training that stripped them of any humanity. You are responsible.

Are you satisfied with them? Do you sleep well at night, knowing that mothers, fathers, son, daughters and siblings can be degraded, molested, maimed, and murdered by legal criminals in your employ?

For the love of God, people, wake up. Or else, one day soon, you will wake up a victim of legal crime, committed by those whose salaries you pay. There will be no video, no photos, no witnesses on your side, just your word against theirs, and everyone knows that cops are the good guys, right?

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Crime victim arrested, stripped, and degraded. Police are your friends, too.

Yep, I have been away. From keyboard? No. Just taking a break from caring. Nobody else seems to, why should I?

There are so many videos and stories on the abuse of the power of the state that I find it hard to continue. It is so very frustrating to see such animalistic behavior on the part of people who are supposed to help.

I was completely dumbfounded to see a video where a woman who was a victim of an assault was arrested, taken to jail, stripped naked by men and women officers, and left naked in a cell for six hours, then given a weighted VEST to wear to booking. All because she mistakenly provided her dead sister's ID instead of her own. If I were a victim of assault, I am not sure I could find my own ID, either.

These "officers" acted in a way that proves the point that law enforcement is nothing but a tool to be used as a way of subjugating the citizens. There was NOTHING HUMANE here. It was sickening to see male officers holding this defenseless, harmless VICTIM down while she was stripped of her clothing, her dignity, and most assuredly, of her respect for the law. The only civilized response to this barbaric treatment is to excise the cancer that is growing behind the badges and guns that protect the animals while allowing innocent people to be humiliated and degraded.

But you don't care do you? She wasn't your wife, sister, mother or daughter, was she? This could never happen to you could it?

My take is that the urban gangs have it right. Do not trust the man. He is not your friend. He has no sympathy for you or your loved ones.

I am not going to offer advice to you on how to deal with police. My advice is to avoid them at ALL costs, even if you must become a criminal to do so.

They do not care if you are a victim or a witness. Every single person they come in contact with is viewed with suspicion and as a threat. Just watch COPS on TV. Everyone is a threat to them. And they have NO mercy.

Grandmother in wheelchair tasered. Pregnant woman thrown to ground. Tiny female bartender assaulted by a cop for OBEYING the law. Five year old child arrested for sexual harassment! Millions and millions of dollars paid as a result of civil rights lawsuits against police officers. Suspects beaten, tortured, raped and murdered. And there are new and worse stories every day.

Yep, the smartest thing you can do is dial 911. If you are a masochist, that is.

Better yet, write your elected officials. Tell them it must stop. NOW. Or they will be replaced by people who can and will address the problem. Don't accept excuses or evasions, Demand answers and solutions. Carry a camera and photograph officers as they do their jobs. Make them honest and accountable.

Or just be a sheep among the wolfpack. It is your choice and your wife, mother, sister or daughter that will be next if you choose wrong.


Just watch the video, dammit.